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< Welcome to heitel.at >

Post: 23.09.2007 - Just came back from Egypt!

Post: 02.09.2007 - Just came back from Rock The Lake. Great location and nice festival!

Post: 16.08.2007 - We had a great time in Lindau. Thanks again to Marcus & Axl!

Post: 27.07.2007 - Claudia passed the last stage of her driving license today. She got the chance to drive a Hummer III ;-)

Post: 23.07.2007 - Metalcamp gets worse every year. This year was probably the last time that we went there ...

Post: 15.07.2007 - We had our first wedding anniversary yesterday ...

Post: 09.07.2007 - Best wedding wishes for Dani & Foeldi from us ...

Post: 09.06.2007 - Lockenhaus was not that good as it was last year ...

Post: 03.06.2007 - Birthday party was great! :O)

Post: 22.05.2007 - Trivium, Annhilator were disappointing :-(

Post: 19.05.2007 - Conxious, Spocks Beard did a fantastic gig.

Something you should definitely check out ;-)


Introducing Claudia & Rainer

morniavas - myspace member

rainer645 - myspace member

concerts & events:)



© 2007 heitel.at

Some cool stuff

- Calif
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- Dragon Lady
- Shouter
- United Drinkers