/* ========================================================================== HTML5 Boilerplate styles - h5bp.com (generated via initializr.com) ========================================================================== */ html, button, input, select, textarea { color: #222; } body { font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.4; } hr { display: block; height: 1px; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0; } img { vertical-align: middle; } fieldset { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; } textarea { resize: vertical; } .chromeframe { margin: 0.2em 0; background: #ccc; color: #000; padding: 0.2em 0; } /* ===== Initializr Styles ================================================== Author: Jonathan Verrecchia - verekia.com/initializr/responsive-template ========================================================================== */ body { font: 16px/26px Helvetica, Helvetica Neue, Arial; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #e9e8e3 0%, #e5e4e0 25%, #e3e2de 50%, #dad7d2 75%,#bcb9b4 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#e9e8e0), to(#bcb9b4)); background: linear-gradient(left, #e9e8e3, #bcb9b4); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=1, startColorstr=#e9e8e3, endColorstr=#bcb9b4); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=1, startColorstr=#e9e8e3, endColorstr=#bcb9b4)"; } } .wrapper { width: 90%; margin: 0 5%; } /* =================== ALL: Theme =================== */ .header-container { border-top: 5px solid #504f49; } /*TODO: Fix the height later!! with dynamic height*/ .footer-container{ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #010101 0%, #44433F 30%,#504F4A 100%); //Hier jetzt die Höhe wegdenken!!! height: 100px; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#010101), to(#504F4A)); background: linear-gradient(left, #010101, #504F4A); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=1, startColorstr=#44433F, endColorstr=#504F4A); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=1, startColorstr=#44433F, endColorstr=#504F4A)"; } /* ============== MOBILE: Menu ============== */ nav ul { margin: 0; float: left; padding: 0.2em; text-align: center; } nav { width: 40%; float: left; margin-top: 20px; position: absolute; left: 1%; } #last-navigation-point { border: none; } nav ul a, nav ul span { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Julius Sans One', sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em; color: #ccc; } nav a:hover, nav span { color: #b01e1f; } /* ============== MOBILE: Main ============== */ .main { padding: 165px 0; } td { font-size: 0.6em; padding: 10px; } /*.footer aside { margin-top: 20px; }*/ #contact { color: #ccc; line-height: 1.3; float: right; } .footer-x { width: 60%; float: right; position: absolute; right: 1%; } .client-1, .client-2, .client-3 { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; padding-bottom: 20px; } #logo { float: right; width: 70%; margin: 1em 0; } #logo img { position: absolute; right: 1%; width: 70%; } #html5-flag { margin-top: 0; float: left; } #html5-flag img { position: absolute; left: 1%; width: 10%; } /* ========================================================================== Media Queries ========================================================================== */ @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) { /* ==================== INTERMEDIATE: Menu ==================== */ #html5-flag { width: 18%; } #html5-flag img { width: 8%; } #logo img { width: 60%; } .client-1 { float: left; width: 33%; border-bottom: none; border-right: 1px solid #ccc; } .client-3 { float: right; width: 33%; border-right: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: none; } .client-2 { float: right; width: 33%; border-bottom: none; } .client-1 img, .client-3 img, .client-2 img{ width: 90%; } nav ul li { list-style: none; display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-right: 1px solid #ccc; } /*nav ul { padding-right: 1em; }*/ nav a, nav span { padding: 0.2em 1em; } td { font-size: 0.8em; padding: 10px; } /* ======================== INTERMEDIATE: IE Fixes ======================== */ /* nav ul li { display: inline; } .oldie nav a { margin: 0 0.7%; }*/ } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { /* ============ WIDE ============ */ #logo { float: right; width: 50%; } #logo img { width: 35%; } #html5-flag img { width: 5%; } .client-1 img, .client-3 img, .client-2 img{ width: 100%; } .client-1, .client-2, .client-3 { width: 33%; } td { font-size: 1em; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) { /* =============== Maximal Width =============== */ .wrapper { width: 1026px; /* 1140px - 10% for margins */ margin: 0 auto; } } /* ========================================================================== Helper classes ========================================================================== */ .ir { background-color: transparent; border: 0; overflow: hidden; *text-indent: -9999px; } .ir:before { content: ""; display: block; width: 0; height: 100%; } .hidden { display: none !important; visibility: hidden; } .visuallyhidden { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; } .visuallyhidden.focusable:active, .visuallyhidden.focusable:focus { clip: auto; height: auto; margin: 0; overflow: visible; position: static; width: auto; } .invisible { visibility: hidden; } .clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { content: " "; display: table; } .clearfix:after { clear: both; } .clearfix { /*zoom: 1;*/ }