Germany help me please

  • Dear webmasters

    Im a dutch student that is moved from holland to germany. I am setting up a website to earn some money in the future.

    But i don`t know how to set up a german website and get some traffic.

    Can you help me ,or do you want to be my partner.

    The script for basaronline is very professional an can be a good succes for the near future.

    kind regards Jennifer

  • Well,

    my english isn't very good, but she already has a .de Domain .... or what's about the link ? :wink:

    I think Jennifer just wants to have more visitors.

    Maybe you should register your site at google or yahoo ....
    They offer you the posibility to tell them about your site.

    Well ....


    Hiermit beende ich unser geistiges Kräftemessen, denn ich sehe, du bist unbewaffnet. *smirk*

  • if you only want more visitors you can sign up at toplists (your site is supposed to be something like ebay or a fleamarket or something isnt it?).

    search google for toplists "auktionshäuser" or something like that.


  • she's the owner of the domain, that's not the problem.
    i think she wants more visitors (and partners who will set up a link to her website).

    there are several directories on the net. try to find directories where you can enter your site in a suitable category.

    or try to optimize your site to search engines so the page will be found if someones looking for kleinanzeigen or stuff like that.

    also a good method is word-of-mouth recommendation. tell friends about your site and tell them to retell ;)

    i know that it's very hard to find visitors and reach a lot of people (i've got the same probs with my domains). and i don't know if that's an easy way to earn money.

    but you can get it if you really want lalalalala try try and try lalala :dance:

    (i hope you've understood my english :smilie085: it's a baaaad one ;) )

  • Dear webmaster

    Don`t look at my english (i am dutch)

    To clear some things out

    I own and i own the source code of the script
    The only thing i don`t know is how to make it a big website in germany.

    Im looking for an partner who wants to invest some time in the website
    and make some money (at a later stadium)


  • So, ich übersetzte mal kurz die groben Züge dieses Threads ....

    Im wesentlichen sagt sie, dass ihr die verlinkte Seite einschließlich Skript gehört.

    Sie weiß aber nicht, wie sie ihre Seite jetzt in Deutschland "groß rausbringt" und bekannt macht.

    Außerdem sucht sie einen Partner der etwas Zeit in die Website investieren möchte und später auch Geld verdienen.


    Hiermit beende ich unser geistiges Kräftemessen, denn ich sehe, du bist unbewaffnet. *smirk*

  • ok, I think I could help you with your request. I think the main thing is to submit your site to the most important searchengines, webcatalogues and directories. The second thing is to have patience and keep things coming even if there is no success in the first few weeks. If youre still interested, please just contact me and we´ll see what we can do about it.
    /and by the way, I LOVE AMSTERDAM:D)
