huää wasn dat?

  • moinsens,
    hab heut eine email von so irgend ner langen email addy gegriegt in der steht

    muss ma das raffen?

    Gruß crAzywuLf :D

  • Joa, ich habe heute auch so ein ding bekommen, aber habe keinerlei ahnung was das soll, kannst den ganzen mist jam al base64 encodieren, vileicht ist es ja was sinvolles.

  • Zitat von CHIEFmaster

    ich glaub, des sin lauter WINDOWS-Seriennummern... *g*

    hehehe :lol:

    davon hab ich schon genug xD

  • wie gut das ekienr weis was eine base64 encodierung ist LOOOL

    also das erste heist:

    If you have any kind of non-RMB-currency the opportunity for the proceeds of 32% by arbitrage is approach to you with the followed important information For more information please see attached. China fortune seminar for the arbitrage October of 2005

    das 2te ist das gleiche bloß mit html etwas schik gemacht und das 3te kann ich leider nciht entshclüsseln, da es nicht folständig im forum ist und ich meien mail schon als spam makiert habe )-;

  • also für alle die sich fragen, wie kommt der darauf:
    Natürlich kann ich base64 im kopf encodieren, für alle anderen:

  • keine ahnung was das RMB heist auf jeden fall soll das wohl niemand verstehen.
    Oder weis eine ob arbitrage ein eigenmane ist oder was?
    Af jeden fall, soll man mit dme was im anhang steht kole machen können.
    Jedoch war der spamer zu glatt, die mail richtig zu kodieren und hat dne header auf plain/text als als auf multipart gelegt. Deswegen sieht die mail jetzt etwas merkwürdig aus.

  • Zitat

    Hello Gentleman, I am Mr. Mike Okiki, an accountant officer with Citi Bank,Plc here in Dakar Sengal. I gathered your information from my country's international chamber of trade and commerce, The business I am about to introduce is basedon sheer trust and with a sense of purpose.I am contacting you to assist in repatriating the sum of ($15.2M)u.S dollars.The money and property left behind by Dr.Solomon who died accidentally On the 21st of April 2000, Dr Solomon Komana, his wife and their two Children were killed by rebels on the past crisis in Liberia during the Time of their formal president Charles Taylor near their village called Kuru .I gathered all this information through a good source after my several routine note to his forwarding address. Because he had served here in Dakar Senegal as a business consultant with the Senegalaise National Petroleum & Gas Corperation.SNPGC and a special ass advise to the OPEC. Since then I have made several enquiries to his embassy here in Dakar senegal to locate any of his extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you as his account officer to work with you before the fund get confiscate or declared unserviceable by the bank where these huge deposits were lodged. Particularly. Now the management has been dlibrating on how to revert this fund to the bank privacy and Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 3 years now,I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you are a foriegner so that the proceeds of this account valued at $15.200,000:00 can be paid to you and then you and I can share the money. 50% to me and 40% to you, while 10% will be maped out for any miscellaneous expenses that might incure in the cause of this transaction. I have all the necessary legal documents to back up this claim, and this I must do to make sure that this fund is not wasted or end up in the wrong hands. All I require is your honest and sincere co-operation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from any breach of the law. Reply me through my e-mail address ( Looking forward to hear from you at this private e-mail for security purpose. Yours Sincerely,

    Ich grieg letzte zeit einfach nur die krassesten mails schaut euch die an ... :megalacher:

  • wie wärs mit ner seite wo die top10 spam mails angezeigt werden ? und ma die voten kann wenn mann sie gegriegt hat ... :megalacher:

    Gruß crAzywuLf :D