Sonic Syndicate

  • It all started in 2002, when Roger, Richard, and thirteen-year-old Robin wanted to start a band together after taking a break from playing in various other bands. They previously had a band together with a few classmates, but wanted to start a new project and take the music in a different direction. This new project became known as Fallen Angels, and played heavy metal influenced by Iron Maiden and Helloween. Fallen Angels completed their first gig at a school talent show in March 2003. They made it to the final but sadly didn't win the competition. Still, the band was satisfied enough with the great response from the crowd and everyone else involved in the competition. Shortly after, the band had made themselves a name in their hometown of Falkenberg, on the west coast Sweden.

    In under a year, Fallen Angels recorded three demos. The 2nd and 3rd demo the band decided to record at Studio Mega (The Crown, Beseech, Lake of Tears) and shortly after started to play shows throughout Scandinavia. In December of 2004, Fallen Angels signed with Pivotal Records in the USA to release their debut album "Eden Fire". With their debut album on the way the band felt they had to decide on their final name. They had been searching for a band name for quite a while and thought Sonic Syndicate sounded more like them! The name was much more unique and is also a statement to enhance their musical direction. With time booked in Studio Mega in the spring of 2005 and the release date set for September 13, the band was rolling! With their sound of Swedish melodic metal and American hardcore Eden Fire has started to prove that Sonic Syndicate is a band that will break everything in its path. Eden Fire has been compared worldwide to acts such as In Flames, Children of Bodom and Killswitch Engage and the list goes on.

    The band continues to prove themselves with their high energy show in the national and local scene. Perhaps most notable was this years Sweden Rock Festival teaming up with bands such as Arch Enemy, Evergrey, Entombed, Def Leppard and many more.
    The band has one thing in mind when they hit the stage and that's to play like it's their last show ever. A boring show is not an option, end of subject!

    2006 continues to steamroll with full impact. The band has joined forces with Nuclear Blast Records for their upcoming 2007 release and has been confirmed to play this years Swedish Metal Expo in Stockholm, Sweden.

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    Sonic Syndicate are:
    Richard Sjunnesson - Vocals
    Roger Sjunnesson - Guitars
    Robin Sjunnesson - Guitars, Vocals
    Karin Axelsson - Bass, Vocals
    John Bengtsson - Drums
    Roland Johansson - Vocals

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