deutsch-englisch übersetzungshilfe

  • kann mir jemand helfen folgendes ins englische zu übersetzen:

    Es war mein letzter Gedanke auf der Welt, hier eine Familie zu finden. Von Interesse war für mich nur ihn, seine Frau und seine Kinder zu unterstützen.

    bitte bitte helft mir! mein englisch ist so... schlimm... :oops:
    vielen dank im voraus!


  • übersetzer übersetzen meist nur wort für wort.
    der satz der dabei rauskommt is in english ne gute 6 wert.

    is also ungefähr wie das deutsch von moritz...

  • Hi, ich hab einen Text auf Englisch übersetzt aber weiß nicht wirklich ob es sich "gut" anhört ...
    Es wär echt nett, wenn ihr es euch mal durchlesen würdet, und mir meine Fehler sagen könntet ...
    Wäre echt sehr hilfreich .... Ich kenn nämlich nicht wirklich jemanden, der gut in Englisch ist... Danke im Vorraus=)

    Central Park

    After 16-year-old "construction time" the inhabitant of New York was opened in 1873 Central park.
    The biggest artificially created green area of the world, greater than Monaco, 345 hectares of nature, 26,000 trees and 15 million visitors per year it gives no inhabitant of New York who could fancy the life without park.
    On the week-end the streets for the park are closed, and the inhabitants of New York come to the running, Inline-Skaten, play musik, take for a walk domestic animals or lie just in the grass.


    Of New York the longest and street most famous at the same time is absolutely the Broadway. There are many people who hold for the most famous street of the world.
    The most famous hotels of the town and maybe even of the world lie with the Broadway. Numerous museums attract the visitors also, as well as excluding shops, restaurant and cafes.

    On the Broadway the first block of flats was built in 1860 with floors 71/2 and today there is there more "Wolkenkrartzer"(kp was es auf englisch heißt) than somewhere else in the world.

    In the Great White Way (the Broadway theater are there) to appear is the biggest wish from a lot of actor and singer.


    Miss Liberty

    The statue of Liberty is a statue in the New York harbour on Liberty Iceland in the greeting of immigrants which was initiated on the 28th October, 1886. It was a present of France to the United States and should be completed originally in 1876 to the centennial of the American declaration of independence of 1776.

    Brooklyn Bridge

    It was ethnic German JOHANN A. ROEBLING in 1831 after his study in the Berlin polytechnic the idea for the construction of a suspension bridge about the East River had.
    Unfortunately, he was also the first dead person who fell victim to the construction. A postponed footbridge squeezed his foot, three weeks later he died of tetanus.
    His son Washington led from then on the project together with wife Emily.
    Then on the 24th May, 1883 after 14 years the bridge was initiated.
    Today the bridge is passed daily by more than 100,000 cars. However, very much Brooklyn bridge is liked also with joggers and pedestrians.

    Da sind bestimmt einige Fehler drin :oops:



  • Broudway = Broadway
    Iceland = Island
    Wolkenkratzer = skyscraper

    sry aber deine grammatik is irgendwie schrecklich^^ is nich bös gemeint un du sagst ja selber schon das einige fehler drin sind...
    ich mein ich kenn den deutschen text dazu nich aber ich versuchs mal etwas eleganter auszudrücken...

    Central Park

    bei dem ersten satz krieg ich absolut keinen sinn raus...bitte poste den ma in deutsch!
    The biggest artificially created green area of the world is greater than Monaco. 26,000 trees grow on the 345 hectares of nature and 15 million people visit the park per year. No inhabitant of New York could live without the park.
    auch den letzen satz hätt ich gern in deutsch hier mal gesehen...


    New Yorks longest and most famous street at the same time is the Broadway.

    naja soviel mal als anreiz...