Also ich hab folgenden Code:
if(isset($_POST['action']) AND $_POST['action'] == 1) {
$error_a = ""; // Variable indiziert
$textmitteilung = ""; // Variable indiziert
$absender = "FROM: Die E-Mailadresse des Seiteninhabers";
$betreff = "Kontaktmitteilung aus Formular";
$m_anrede = "";
$m_strasse = "";
if(isset($_POST['anrede']) AND $_POST['anrede'] != '') { $m_anrede = $_POST['anrede']; } else { $m_anrede = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['vorname']) AND $_POST['vorname'] != '') { $m_vorname = $_POST['vorname']; } else { $error_a = 6; }
if(isset($_POST['fname']) AND $_POST['fname'] != '') { $m_fname = $_POST['fname']; } else { $error_a = 5; }
if(isset($_POST['strasse']) AND $_POST['strasse'] != '') { $m_strasse = $_POST['strasse']; } else { $m_strasse = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['hausnummer']) AND $_POST['hausnummer'] != '') { $m_hausnummer = $_POST['hausnummer']; } else { $m_hausnummer = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['plz']) AND $_POST['plz'] != '') { $m_plz = $_POST['plz']; } else { $m_plz = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['ort']) AND $_POST['ort'] != '') { $m_ort = $_POST['ort']; } else { $m_ort = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['vw']) AND $_POST['vw'] != '') { $m_vw = $_POST['vw']; } else { $m_vw = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['rn']) AND $_POST['rn'] != '') { $m_rn = " / ".$_POST['rn']; } else { $m_rn = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['mitteilung']) AND $_POST['mitteilung'] != '') { $m_mitteilung = $_POST['mitteilung']; } else { $error_a = 4; }
if(isset($_POST['email'])) {
if(isset($_POST['email']) && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9&\'\.\-_\+]+@[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)*?[a-z]+$/is' , $_POST['email'] )) { $m_email = $_POST['email']; }
else { $error_a = 1; }
if(isset($m_vorname) AND isset($m_fname) AND isset($m_mitteilung) AND isset($m_email)) {
$aktuelles_datum = date("d.m.Y, H:i:s");
$textmitteilung_a = "Mitteilung vom Webformular";
$textmitteilung_a .= "$m_anrede $m_vorname $m_fname $m_strasse $m_hausnummer $m_plz $m_ort $m_vw $m_rn $m_email";
$textmitteilung_a .= "Mitteilung: $m_mitteilung; Mitgeteilt am: $aktuelles_datum";
mail($absender, $betreff, $textmitteilung, $absender);
$bbetreff = "Ihre Kontaktmitteilung";
Kann mir wer von euch sagen warum der Seiteninhaber keine E-Mail bekommt?