
  • Brauch ne summary von den text schnell!!!!

    Well, The Team was playing at home that week, so my friend goes down and arrives just as the two teams are walking out on to the field. He stops one of the leads wearing The Teams red shirt and asks him to point out George Freeman to him. Georgie? Says the player. That’s him out there with the number nine on his back. He points towards the only black person on the field. You mean the black lad? Asks my friend, but the player has run off on to the pitch and doesn’t answer. My friend John gets himself in among the fans. There were about a hundred and fifty of them. The game began. I wanted to be quite sure of my man, says John to me, so I asked one of the fans if the player was George Freeman. The fan, who was shouting for the other side, stops and say to me, Freeman? That’s him in the red shirt with the number nine on the back of it. I watched the match, says John, and it was a good one. But somehow I couldn’t really concentrate on it. The team was certainly the right name for them. They were like a well balanced machine always pushing lovely passes through the middle to the black centre forward. He scored three that day, and even the other sides fans clapped the third one a beauty, it was, hammered in from about twenty five metres. This was a footballer that would be worth a fortune to any professional club that could get him. The team won five to nil, and as soon as the game was over I started walking towards the changing hut but not as quickly as I ought to have done. It was going through my head like a record repeating itself. The one with the number nine on his back, the one with number nine on his back. Well to cut a long story short, you know what I did? Say John to me. I stopped before I got to that hut, turned round, and walked out of there and out of a job. That was the end of Johns story. He stopped. I nodded. We said nothing for a minute. Then John looked at his watch. Got an appointment? I asked. Yes, says he. The teams playing at home again today and I don’t want to be late for the kick-off. Why not come with me, if you’ve got the time? I think I will, I said. And I did. And I’m still a fan.

  • ohne eigeninitiative bekommste hier garnix.

    sind schließlich n hilfeforum und nicht dei wohlfahrt !
    und "schnell" geht schonmal garnicht... fauler kerl...

    frechheit... denkt wohl hier sitzen paar idioten die
    für einen schnell die hausaufgaben in letzter minute
    machen weil ma selbst kein bock drauf hatte.

    - closed -