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<title> SSBM </title>
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<h1> General </h1>
<p> Super Smash Bros. Melee is best-known for being that one game that everyone who owned a GameCube had to have. Over the past few years, it’s picked up even more steam in the competitive fighting game community. And that’s… a little odd isn’t it? At this point, Melee is pushing 15 years — practically Jurassic for most games. It’s so old that competitive players need to lug around tube TVs to tournaments.
Despite all that, Melee has one of the largest followings in the fighting game scene. Sunday closed out EVO 2016, the biggest fighting game tournament of the year. Street Fighter headlined the event, but coming in second (by viewer count) was Melee. Smash 4 for the Wii U launched less than two years ago, plus you can play it on one of them fancy HD screens. So what gives?
In a word? Drama. People love a good story. Before we even get to the combatants and the ups and downs of the competition, the fact that Melee has hung around is, in itself, a story.
<img src="https://icdn2.digitaltrends.com/image/super-smash-bros-melee-720x720.jpg?ver=1.jpg" width="90%">
<h1> The five gods </h1>
<p> In 2008, it wasn’t clear that Melee would ever reach major adoption again. In what fans have come to call the “Dark Age,” Melee wasn’t a regular at any major tournament for over a year. As bigger competitions like MLG and EVO shifted over to the newer Super Smash Bros. Brawl, many simply forgot about Melee entirely.
That was until Smash player Alukard held the Revival of Melee Tournament. It was the first tournament where two of the five players who would come to be known as Gods of Smash played. Mew2King, Armada, HungryBox, Mango, and Dr. PP, the gods earned their titles in a stretch of tournaments running from 2009 to now. Each of them has traded wins and rarely lose to anyone outside of the group. And it’s these five that are credited not just with bringing Smash back, but giving it what every good sports drama needs — a story.
Each of the five represents a different personality or play style, inviting fans to project themselves onto their favorite. For my own history as an almost-competitive player, I came to idolize Armada. For years he specialized in playing Princess Peach from the Super Mario Bros. games. At the time, people weren’t sure that Peach was viable at the competitive level. Most matches centered on Fox, Falco, Sheik, and Marth. But here Armada was, pushing a new line of strategies and playing a totally different kind of game.</p>
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