hi leute,
ich brauche ein submenü. hab mir schon einiges angeguckt, aber nie was gepeilt. könntet ihr bitte so freundlich sein und mir ma ein kleines html-packet geben, so cihd as nachgucken kann, wie man das macht??
wäre echt nett von euch
submeneu. das kan ales oder nichts sein. werde da mal ein weniggenuaer.
Alles anzeigen<select name="bla"> <option value="1">Meneupunk1</option> <option value="2">Meneupunk2</option> <option value="3">Meneupunk3</option> <optgroup label="submen1"> <option value="1">Submeneupunk1</option> <option value="2">Submeneupunk2</option> <option value="3">Submeneupunk3</option> </optgroup> <option value="2">Meneupunk4</option> <option value="3">Meneupunk5</option> </select>
ja sorry
ich habe da so gedacht, ein oberbegriff und wenn man da drauf klickt, dass da ein/mehrere neue/r begriff/e erscheint/erscheinen.
klingt komplizirt is aber so
naja, ich werde ma das ausprobieren, was du mir gegeben hast.
danke nochma
bist echt ein schatz -
Also ich habe hier mal ein beispiel:
Alles anzeigen<html> <head> </head> </body> <SCRIPT> var ItemEntry = new Array() // Varibles can be changed freely MenuWidth = 137 // Width of the pop-up menu MenuHeight = 250 // Height of the pop-up menu ItemInMenu = 3 // How many items are in the menu // Setup your menu words ItemEntry[0] = new MenuEntry("Button1","http://") ItemEntry[1] = new MenuEntry("Button2","http://") ItemEntry[2] = new MenuEntry("Button3","http://") var menuEle = new Array(ItemInMenu) // DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE BELOW function MenuEntry(cap,adrs) { this.cap = cap this.adrs = adrs } n = (document.layers) ? 1:0 ie = (document.all) ? 1:0 function init() { // initialize objects menu = new dynLayer("menuDiv",null) for (var k = 0; k < menuEle.length; k++) { menuEle[k] = new dynLayer("input" + k + "Div","menuDiv") } menu.hide() // initialize events document.onmousedown = mouseDown document.onmousemove = mouseMove document.onmouseup = mouseUp if (n) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP) } // Temperary Varibles showing = false // drag variables dragActive = 0 dragObject = null dragArray = new Array() dragLayerX = 0 dragLayerY = 0 dragLayerZ = 0 function mouseDown(e) { if (n) { if (showing == true) {showing = false; setTimeout('menu.hide()',50)} else if (((n && e.which == 1) || ie) && showing == false) { if (n) {var xNow=e.pageX; var yNow=e.pageY} if (ie) {var xNow=event.x; var yNow=event.y} menu.moveTo(xNow, yNow) menu.show() showing = true } } else if (ie) { if (showing == true) {showing = false; menu.hide()} else if (((n && e.which == 1) || ie) && showing == false) { if (n) {var xNow=e.pageX; var yNow=e.pageY} if (ie) {var xNow=event.x; var yNow=event.y} menu.moveTo(xNow, yNow) menu.show() showing = true } } } function mouseMove(e) { if (n) {var x=e.pageX; var y=e.pageY} if (ie) {var x=event.x; var y=event.y} } function mouseUp(e) { if (n) {var x=e.pageX; var y=e.pageY} if (ie) {var x=event.x; var y=event.y} dragActive = 0 // put more code here to do something else when finished a drag } function dynLayer(id,nestref,des) { if (n) { if (nestref) { this.css = eval("document." + nestref + ".document." + id) this.ref = eval("document." + nestref + ".document." + id + ".document") } else { this.css = document.layers[id] this.ref = document.layers[id].document } this.x = this.css.left this.y = this.css.top this.w = this.css.clip.width this.h = this.css.clip.height } else if (ie) { this.css = document.all[id].style this.ref = document this.x = this.css.pixelLeft this.y = this.css.pixelTop this.w = this.css.pixelWidth this.h = this.css.pixelHeight } this.obj = id + "Object" eval(this.obj + "=this") this.moveBy = dynLayerMoveBy this.moveTo = dynLayerMoveTo this.show = dynLayerShow this.hide = dynLayerHide } function dynLayerMoveBy(x,y) { this.x += x this.css.left = this.x this.y += y this.css.top = this.y } function dynLayerMoveTo(x,y) { this.x = x this.css.left = this.x this.y = y this.css.top = this.y } function dynLayerShow() { if (n) this.css.visibility = "show" else if (ie) this.css.visibility = "visible" } function dynLayerHide() { if (n) this.css.visibility = "hide" else if (ie) this.css.visibility = "hidden" } document.writeln('<STYLE TYPE=\"text\/css\">') document.writeln('#menuDiv {position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:' + MenuWidth + '; height:' + MenuHeight + '; clip:rect(0,' + MenuWidth + ',' + MenuHeight + ',0); background-color:000000; layer-background-color:000000; visibility:hidden;}') document.writeln('#menuLayer1Div {position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:' + (MenuWidth -1) + '; height:' + (MenuHeight -1) + '; clip:rect(0,' + (MenuWidth -1) + ',' + (MenuHeight -1) + ',0); background-color:888888; layer-background-color:888888;}') document.writeln('#menuLayer2Div {position:absolute; left:1; top:1; width:' + (MenuWidth -3) + '; height:' + (MenuHeight-3) + '; clip:rect(0,' + (MenuWidth-3) + ',' + (MenuHeight -3) + ',0); background-color:D0D0D0; layer-background-color:D0D0D0;}') document.writeln('#menuLayer3Div {position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:' + (MenuWidth -2) + '; height:' + (MenuHeight-2) + '; clip:rect(0,' + (MenuWidth-2) + ',' + (MenuHeight -2) + ',0); background-color:C0C0C0; layer-background-color:C0C0C0;}') document.writeln('#menuLayer4Div {position:absolute; left:1; top:1; width:1; height:' + (MenuHeight -3) + '; clip:rect(0,1,' + (MenuHeight -3) + ',0); background-color:E0E0E0; layer-background-color:E0E0E0;}') document.writeln('#menuLayer5Div {position:absolute; left:1; top:1; width:' + (MenuWidth -3) + '; height:1; clip:rect(0,' + (MenuWidth -3) + ',1,0); background-color:E0E0E0; layer-background-color:E0E0E0;}') document.writeln('#menuLayer6Div {position:absolute; left:3; top:3; width:' + (MenuWidth -6) + '; height:20; clip:rect(0,' + (MenuWidth -6) + ',20,0); background-color:8888FF; layer-background-color:8888FF;}') document.writeln('A.JSmenu {color:black;}') for (var k = 0; k < menuEle.length; k++) { document.writeln('#input' + k + 'Div {position:absolute; left:3; top:' + (20 * (k+1) + 3) + '; width:' + (MenuWidth-6) + '; height:20; clip:rect(0,' + (MenuWidth -6) + ',20,0); background-color:C0C0C0; layer-background-color:C0C0C0;}') } document.writeln('<\/STYLE>') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuDiv">') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuLayer1Div"></DIV>') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuLayer2Div"></DIV>') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuLayer3Div"></DIV>') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuLayer4Div"></DIV>') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuLayer5Div"></DIV>') document.writeln('<DIV ID="menuLayer6Div"><FONT Size=2>[url='h ttp://']<CENTER>Pop up Menü</CENTER>[/url]</FONT></DIV>') for (var k = 0; k < menuEle.length; k++) { document.writeln('<DIV ID="input' + k + 'Div"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="1">[url='' + ItemEntry[k].adrs + '']' + ItemEntry[k].cap + '</FONT>[/url]</DIV>') } document.writeln('</DIV>') init() </SCRIPT> <body onload="init()"> [url='../../Eigene%20Dateien/Eigene%20Webs/MeinWeb12/index.html']index[/url]</p> <style type="text/css"> a:link { text-decoration:none; } a:visited { text-decoration:none; } a:hover { text-decoration:overline & underline; } a:active { text-decoration:none; } </style> </html>
wenn man da auf den link klickt öffnet sich ein kleines pop-up neben dem link was sich einen neben klick wieder schließt
m*f*g sonicchriz -
bissle kompliziert aber danke
ma schaun, ob ich durchblicke -
hmm, also, nich ganz das was ich suche.
ich möchte gerne so ein submenü einfügenbutton 1
button a
button b
button cbutton 2
button 3
button 4wenn ich dann auf button 2 klcike, dann sollte möglichst die buttons sich so verändern...
button 1
button 2
button d
button e
button fbutton 3
button 4