hallo leute,
ich habe ein link script installiert und angepasst.
das script geht super, nur wen ich einen link anklicke wir immer vor den link meine eigene homepage adresse gesetzt.
z.b. ich klicke den link google an, dan sieht der link dan so aus der im neuen browser fenster dargestellt wird und natürlich nicht gefunden wird.
mir kommt es so vor, als sende ich meinen header link immer davor.
wie kann man das ändern. wen ich das script ohne meinen header betreibe geht es super. aber ich brauche den header dazu aber.
hier mal die fehlermeldung die auch noch kommt :
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/mdd37937/link/linkster.php:9) in /www/htdocs/mdd37937/link/linkster.php on line 21
das ist zeile 21 : das ist zeile 21 : header("Location: $URL"); // send user to website
und hier der code dazu :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Küchenseite -Linkliste</title>
<span class="content">
# linkster.php
######### CLICK COUNT #########
if ($QUERY_STRING && $LID && $URL) {
mysql_query("UPDATE $link_table SET Clicks = Clicks+1 WHERE ID = $LID"); // add 1 to click count
header("Location: $URL"); // send user to website
######### PRINT HEADER/MENU #########
if ($public_add == "yes" || $QUERY_STRING) {
echo "\n<p align=$tbl_align>\n";
echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=$tbl_width>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td>\n";
if ($public_add == "yes" && $action != "add_link") {
echo " [*]<a href=$PHP_SELF?action=add_link>Add a link</a>\n";
if ($mode == "flat" && $action == "add_link") {
echo " [*]<a href=$PHP_SELF>Back to links</a>\n";
if ($mode == "leveled" && $QUERY_STRING) {
echo " [*]<a href=$PHP_SELF>Back to categories</a>\n";
if ($public_add == "yes" || $QUERY_STRING) {
echo " </td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</p>\n";
######### FLAT MODE #########
if ($mode == "flat" && !$QUERY_STRING) {
$query = "SELECT $link_table.ID AS LID, Clicks, Website, URL, $link_table.Description AS LDescription, $cat_table.ID AS CID, Category, $cat_table.Description AS CDescription FROM $cat_table, $link_table WHERE $cat_table.ID = $link_table.Cat_ID ORDER BY $cat_order, $links_order";
print_table ($query, $PHP_SELF, $tbl_border, $tbl_cellpadding, $tbl_cellspacing, $tbl_width, $tbl_align, $row1_color, $row2_color, $row3_color, $Category, $CDescription, $LID, $URL, $Website, $LDescription, $Clicks, $show_clicks, $show_credit, $credit_html, $new_window, $cat_table, $link_table);
######### LEVELED MODE #########
if ($mode == "leveled" && !$LID && !$URL) {
// print categories
$query = "SELECT * FROM $cat_table ORDER BY $cat_order";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("
[b]Error:[/b] No data exists.</p>\n</body>\n</html>\n\n");
echo "<p align='$tbl_align'>\n";
echo "<table border='$tbl_border' cellpadding='$tbl_cellpadding' cellspacing='$tbl_cellspacing' width='$tbl_width'>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td colspan=2 bgcolor='$row1_color'><div id=linkster-title-large>Categories</div></td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td align=center id=linkster-title-small bgcolor='$row2_color'>Category/Description</td>\n";
echo " <td align=center id=linkster-title-small bgcolor='$row2_color'>Links</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
while (list($CID, $Count, $Category, $Description) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($Count > 0) {
$Category = "<a href=$PHP_SELF?CID=$CID>$Category</a>";
if ($Description) {
$Description = "- $Description";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td bgcolor='$row3_color' id=linkster-list>$Category $Description</td>\n";
echo " <td bgcolor='$row3_color' align=center id=linkster-count>$Count</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
if ($show_credit == "yes") {
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td colspan=2>
echo " </tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</p>\n";
// print links for specific category
if ($CID) {
$query = "SELECT $link_table.ID AS LID, Clicks, Website, URL, $link_table.Description AS LDescription, $cat_table.ID AS CID, Category, $cat_table.Description AS CDescription";
$query .= " FROM $cat_table, $link_table";
$query .= " WHERE $cat_table.ID = $link_table.Cat_ID AND $cat_table.ID = $CID";
$query .= " ORDER BY $links_order";
print_table ($query, $PHP_SELF, $tbl_border, $tbl_cellpadding, $tbl_cellspacing, $tbl_width, $tbl_align, $row1_color, $row2_color, $row3_color, $Category, $CDescription, $LID, $URL, $Website, $LDescription, $Clicks, $show_clicks, $show_credit, $credit_html, $new_window, $cat_table, $link_table);
######### ADD LINK (PUBLIC) #########
if ($action == "add_link" && $public_add == "yes") {
// process form
if ($submit) {
// check for errors
if (!$Website) {
$error = "[*]Website Name cannot be left blank\n";
if (!$URL) {
$error .= "[*]Website URL cannot be left blank\n";
if (eregi("http://", $URL) && eregi(".", $URL)) { // URL must contain [url='http://']http://[/url] and . to be valid
$validURL = 1;
if ($URL && !$validURL) {
$error .= "[*]Website URL is invalid\n";
if (strlen($Description) > 200) {
$error .= "[*]Description cannot exceed 200 characters (length: " . strlen($Description) . ")\n";
// add link to database
if (!$error) {
$Website = escape_quotes($Website);
$URL = escape_quotes($URL);
$Description = escape_quotes($Description);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO $link_table (Cat_ID, Website, URL, Description) VALUES ('$CID','$Website','$URL','$Description')");
else {
$Website = strip_quotes($Website);
$URL = strip_quotes($URL);
$Description = strip_quotes($Description);
// print title and message
$title = "Add a Link";
$message = "Fill out the form below to add a link.";
if ($error) {
$title = "Error Adding Link";
$message = "The following error(s) occured:\n <ul>$error[/list]Please correct any errors and try again.";
if ($submit && !$error) {
$title = "Link Added";
$message = "Your link has been added.";
print_title_message($title, $message);
// print form
if (!$submit) { // sets URL before user touches it
$URL = "http://";
if (!$submit || $error) {
echo "<form method=post action=$PHP_SELF?$QUERY_STRING>\n";
link_form($db, $Cat_ID, $CID, $Website, $URL, $Description, $cat_table);
echo "<input type=submit name=submit value=' Add Link '>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
########### FOOTER/CLOSE DB ###########
mysql_close($db); // close db connection
Alles anzeigen
bitte helft mir mal in dieser sache .... bitte
cu und dank