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  • Hi,

    Ich soll morgen ein kurzes Referat auf englisch halten und habe da immer meine Fehler drin.
    Den folgenden Text wollte ich dann so ziemlich auswendig lernen, am besten ohne Fehler.
    Wäre schön wenn mir den eben jemand auf Fehler Überprüft und gegebenenfalls mir einen Verbesserungsvorschlag macht.


    More than 80 people were killed in Pakistan on yesterday morning

    More than than 80 people have been killed and over 200 people were injured in a devasting car bomb attack on a busy market in the Pakistani city Peshawar.

    The bomb exploded in the northwest of the country.
    More than 100 kilograms of explosives have been hidden in the car.

    Rescue workers fear that the death toll could rise further, because many people still under the rubble are buried.

  • Das was du da hast ist eine normal Google Übersetzung ;) xD

    Ich bin zwar jetzt nicht sooo gut in English aber finde das klingt besser.

    Yesterday morning over 80 people got killed and more than 200 got injured by an devasting car bomb attack on a busy market in a city located in the northwest of Pakistan named Peshawar.
    100 kilograms of explosives have been placed in the car.
    Actually Rescue workers expect that the death toll could increase because many people still lying under the ruins.

  • Das was du da hast ist eine normal Google Übersetzung ;) xD

    Ich bin zwar jetzt nicht sooo gut in English aber finde das klingt besser.

    Yesterday morning over 80 people got killed and more than 200 got injured by an devasting car bomb attack on a busy market in a city located in the northwest of Pakistan named Peshawar.
    100 kilograms of explosives have been placed in the car.
    Actually Rescue workers expect that the death toll could increase because many people still lying under the ruins.

    Over 80Mio ist deutsch! das muss more than heißen
    hidden würd ich statt placed ruhig lassen. Trifft den Sinn etwas besser.
    Actually weg oder actually rescue workers are expecting, wobei expecting ja eigentlich kein Vorgang an sich ist, also besser weglassen.
    death toll klingt so hart, ich würd eher death rate sagen
    ... because many people are still buried under/in the ruins (under/in bin ich mir nicht sicher)