• tag gemeinde

    hat jemand erfahrung mit easygallery? ich muss das verzeichnis ändern in dem nach bildern gesucht wird. ich kanns leider nicht finden vllt kann ja wer weiter helfen. danke!

    <?php// #################################################################//// #  script by WingNut                       www.freitagmorgen.de #//// #                                                               #//// #  this script has been published under the gnu public license  #//// #  you may edit the script but never delete this comment! thx.  #//// #################################################################//// --begin editable region// Root directory$root_dir = ".";// Thumbnail Columns$columns = 5;// Size of thumbnails in pixel$thumbwidth = 100;// Slideshow 0=no 1=yes$slideshow = 0;// --end editable region//##################################################################//// Do not change anything by now unless you know what you are doing!?><html><head><title>EasyGallery</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><meta name="author" content="Thomas Holtkötter"><meta name="keywords" content="EasyGallery, WingNut, projects, freitagmorgen.de, www.freitagmorgen.de"><style type="text/css">BODY{margin:0 auto;}*{margin:0;padding:0;}.form{font-size:0.9em;margin:0 0 0 8px;}.thumbnails{background-color:#FFF;border:#FFF 2px solid;}.error{background-color:#999;width:100%;font-size:1.0em;font-weight:bold;padding:30px 0 30px 20px;}.link{margin-left:11px;text-decoration:none;color:#666;font-size:0.8em;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="slimbox/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="slimbox/js/slimbox2.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="slimbox/css/slimbox2.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /></head><body><?php// --begin preprocessing$phpself = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];extract($_POST);// filetypes$filetypes = array("jpg", "jpeg");$k = sizeof($filetypes);for ($i=0; $i<$k; $i++){  $filetypes[] = strtoupper($filetypes[$i]);}// extract local image foldersif (strpos($root_dir,'www')===0){  $root_dir = 'http://'.$root_dir;}$local = parse_url($root_dir);if (strpos($root_dir,'http://')===0){  foreach (count_chars($phpself,1) as $i=>$val)  {    if (chr($i)=='/')    {      $root_dir = substr($local['path'],1);      for ($j=1;$j<$val;$j++)        $root_dir='../'.$root_dir;    }  }  if (strpos($root_dir,$local['path'])===0)  {    $root_dir = ".";  }}// scanning directory for folders and check if they contain image filesif (!is_dir($root_dir)){  printError("Couldn't find a root directory. Please specify a valid directory in EasyGallery.php.");}$root_handle = opendir($root_dir);while ($dirname = readdir($root_handle)){  $var1 = strcmp($dirname,'.');  $var2 = strcmp($dirname,'..');  $var3 = is_dir($root_dir.'/'.$dirname);  if (($var1!=0) && ($var2!=0) && ($var3==1))  {    $dir_handle = opendir($root_dir.'/'.$dirname);    $postmp = 0;    while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle))    {        for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($filetypes);$i++)        {        $postmp = strpos($filename, $filetypes[$i]);        if ($postmp>0)        {          $folders[] = $root_dir.'/'.$dirname;          break 2;        }        }       }    closedir($dir_handle);  }}if (!$folders){  printError("Searched folders don't contain any image! Please change the \$root_dir.");}// !!! if you don't want your folders in reverse order change rsort() to sort()rsort($folders);// set initial variable $ordnerif (!isset($ordner))  $ordner = $folders[0];// scanning directories for image filesif (is_dir($ordner)){  $dir_handle = opendir($ordner);  while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle))  {    for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($filetypes); $i++)    {      $pos = strpos($filename, $filetypes[$i]);      $var1 = strcmp($filename,'.');      $var2 = strcmp($filename,'..');      $var3 = is_file($ordner.'/'.$filename);      if (($var1 != 0) && ($var2 != 0) && ($var3 == 1) && ($pos > 0))         {          $files[] = $filename;         }      if ($filename=="thumbnails")      {        $thumbs = 1;      }    }  }  sort($files);  $size = sizeof($files);  closedir($dir_handle);  closedir($root_handle);}else{  printError("No Folders found. Please copy your image folders to the location specified in the \$root_dir in EasyGallery.php.");}// --end preprocessing?><?php// --begin formecho "<div class=\"form\">\n";echo "<form name=\"fotoalbum\" method=\"post\" action=\"$phpself\">\n";echo "<select class=\"form\" name=\"ordner\" onchange=\"document.fotoalbum.submit();\">\n";while ($folder = each($folders)){  if ($ordner == $folder['value'])  {      echo "<option selected value=\"$ordner\">";  }  else  {    echo "<option value=\"";    echo $folder['value'];    echo "\">";  }  $text = $folder['value'];  while (strrpos($text,"/"))  {    $text = substr($text, strrpos($text,"/")+1);  }  // !!! if you want to add special chars to your folders uncomment or add the lines you need  // GERMAN  //$text = str_replace("ae", "ä", $text); // Replace all ae with ä  //$text = str_replace("oe", "ö", $text); // Replace all oe with ö  //$text = str_replace("ue", "ü", $text); // Replace all ue with ü  //$text = str_replace("sz", "ß", $text); // Replace all sz with ß  //$text = str_replace("AE", "Ä", $text); // Replace all AE with Ä  //$text = str_replace("OE", "Ö", $text); // Replace all OE with Ö  //$text = str_replace("UE", "Ü", $text); // Replace all UE with Ü  // SCANDINAVIAN  //$text = str_replace("ae", "æ", $text); // Replace all ae with æ  //$text = str_replace("oe", "ø", $text); // Replace all oe with ø  //$text = str_replace("aa", "å", $text); // Replace all aa with å  //$text = str_replace("AE", "Æ", $text); // Replace all AE with Æ  //$text = str_replace("OE", "Ø", $text); // Replace all OE with Ø  //$text = str_replace("AA", "Å", $text); // Replace all AA with Å  $text = str_replace("_", " ", $text); // Replace all _ with SPACE  echo $text;  echo " </option>\n";}echo "</select>\n";echo "</form>\n";echo "</div>\n";// --end form// --begin print imagesecho "<div class=\"form\">";$xpos=8;$ypos=6;$count = 0;$newthumbs = false;$divheight = ceil(count($files)/$columns) * ($thumbwidth+6) + 6;echo "<table height=$divheight width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr valign=top><td>\n";for ($y=0;$y<count($files);$y++){  $tn_src = $ordner."/thumbnails/tn_".$files[$count];  if (file_exists($tn_src))  {    $image = GetImageSize($tn_src);    $image[0] -= 8;    $image[1] -= 8;    if ($image[0]==$image[1]){}    elseif ($image[0]<$image[1]) $xpos += intval(($image[1]-$image[0])/2);    else $ypos += intval(($image[0]-$image[1])/2);    echo "<div id=\"livethumbnail\" style=\"left:".$xpos."px; top:".$ypos."px; position:relative; zIndex=1;\">";    if($slideshow!=1){      echo "<a href=\"".$ordner."/".$files[$count]."\" rel=\"lightbox-\"".$ordner.">";    }    else{      echo "<a href=\"".$ordner."/".$files[$count]."\" rel=\"lightbox-\"".$ordner.">";    }    echo "<img src=\"$tn_src\" class=\"thumbnails\" alt=\"$files[$count]\" style=\"width:$image[0]; height:$image[1]; left:0px; top:0px; position:absolute; zIndex=1;\"></a></div>\n";    if ($image[0]==$image[1]){}    elseif ($image[0]<$image[1]) $xpos -= intval(($image[1]-$image[0])/2);    else $ypos -= intval(($image[0]-$image[1])/2);  }  else  {      $modules = get_loaded_extensions();    if(!in_array("gd", $modules)){      printError("Your webserver doesn't provide the use of the GD library, which is required to create thumbnails. Please create and add your thumbnails manually.");    }    if(createthumb($ordner,$files[$count],$thumbwidth))    {      echo "tn_$files[$count] created.<br>";      $newthumbs = true;    }    else    {      printError("Thumbnail creation failed.");    }  }  $count++;  if($count%$columns==0)  {    $ypos += $thumbwidth+6;    $xpos = 8;  }  else  {    $xpos += $thumbwidth+6;  }}if($newthumbs){  echo "<script>location.reload()</script>";}echo "</td></tr></table>\n";echo '<p><a href=http://www.freitagmorgen.de class="link">EasyGallery</a></p>';// dont even think about removing this link!echo "</div>\n";?></body><?phpfunction printError($text){  echo "<div class=\"error\">";  echo "<span class=\"content\">ERROR: $text</span>";  echo "</div>";  exit();}function createthumb($name,$file,$maxsize){  $maxsize += 8;  list($width, $height) = getimagesize("$name/$file");  $width = min($width, $height);  $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($maxsize, $maxsize);  $image = imagecreatefromjpeg("$name/$file");  imagecopyresampled($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $maxsize, $maxsize, $width, $width);  if(!is_dir("$name/thumbnails"))  {    mkdir ("$name/thumbnails", 0777);  }  imagejpeg($tn, "$name/thumbnails/tn_$file", 90);  return true;}?><script><!--var zoom = 4;var speed = 4;var real = 0;var intervalIn;var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');for (var i=0; i<divs.length; i++){  if (divs[i].id == 'livethumbnail')  {    var myimg = divs[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0];    myimg.smallSrc = myimg.getAttribute('src');    myimg.smallWidth = parseInt(myimg.getAttribute('width'));    myimg.smallHeight = parseInt(myimg.getAttribute('height'));    divs[i].onmouseover = scaleIn;    divs[i].onmouseout = scaleOut;    if (!myimg.smallWidth)    {    <?php    if (isset($image)){      if ($image[0] > $image[1])      {        echo "myimg.smallWidth = $image[0];\n";        echo "myimg.smallHeight = $image[1];\n";      }      else      {        echo "myimg.smallWidth = $image[1];\n";         echo "myimg.smallHeight = $image[0];\n";      }    }    ?>      real = 0;    }    else    {        real = 1;    }  }}function scaleIn(){  var myimg = this.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];  myimg.style['zIndex'] = 100;  myimg.src = myimg.smallSrc;  var count = 0;  var real = 0;  intervalIn = window.setInterval(scaleStepIn, 1);  return false;  function scaleStepIn()  {    var widthIn = parseInt(myimg.style['width']);    var heightIn = parseInt(myimg.style['height']);    var topIn = parseInt(myimg.style['top']);    var leftIn = parseInt(myimg.style['left']);    if(widthIn >= heightIn) {      widthIn += speed;      heightIn += Math.floor(speed * (3/4));      topIn -= (Math.floor(speed * (3/8)));      leftIn -= (speed/2);    }    else    {      widthIn += Math.floor(speed * (3/4));      heightIn += speed;      topIn -= (speed/2);      leftIn -= (Math.floor(speed * (3/8)));    }    myimg.style['width'] = widthIn;    myimg.style['height'] = heightIn;    myimg.style['top'] = topIn;    myimg.style['left'] = leftIn;    count++;    if (count >= zoom)      window.clearInterval(intervalIn);  }}function scaleOut(){  window.clearInterval(intervalIn);  var myimg = this.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];  myimg.src = myimg.smallSrc;  myimg.style['zIndex'] = 50;  var interval = window.setInterval(scaleStepOut, 1);  return false;  function scaleStepOut()  {    var width = parseInt(myimg.style['width']);    var height = parseInt(myimg.style['height']);    var top = parseInt(myimg.style['top']);    var left = parseInt(myimg.style['left']);    if(width >= height) {      width -= speed;      height -= Math.floor(speed * (3/4));        if(width < myimg.smallWidth + 4) {        myimg.style['width'] = myimg.smallWidth;        myimg.style['height'] = myimg.smallHeight;        myimg.style['top'] = 0;        myimg.style['left'] = 0;        myimg.style['zIndex'] = 1;        window.clearInterval(interval);      }      else{        myimg.style['width'] = width;        myimg.style['height'] = height;        myimg.style['left'] = left + (speed/2);        myimg.style['top'] = top + (Math.floor(speed * (3/8)));      }    }    else    {      width -= Math.floor(speed * (3/4));      height -= speed;      if(real==1)      {        if(width < myimg.smallWidth + 4)        {          myimg.style['width'] = myimg.smallWidth;          myimg.style['height'] = myimg.smallHeight;          myimg.style['top'] = 0;          myimg.style['left'] = 0;          myimg.style['zIndex'] = 1;          window.clearInterval(interval);        }        else{          myimg.style['width'] = width;          myimg.style['height'] = height;          myimg.style['top'] = top + (speed/2);          myimg.style['left'] = left + (Math.floor(speed * (3/8)));        }      }      else      {          if(height < myimg.smallWidth + 4)        {          myimg.style['width'] = myimg.smallHeight;          myimg.style['height'] = myimg.smallWidth;          myimg.style['top'] = 0;          myimg.style['left'] = 0;          myimg.style['zIndex'] = 1;          window.clearInterval(interval);        }        else{          myimg.style['width'] = width;          myimg.style['height'] = height;          myimg.style['top'] = top + (speed/2);          myimg.style['left'] = left + (Math.floor(speed * (3/8)));        }      }    }  }}//--></script></html>
  • Nee, nee, nee!!! :(

    Rate mal, was

    // Root directory
    $root_dir = ".";

    bedeuten könnte.

    Und nochwas, wenn ich

    $phpself = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

    dann wird mir aber übel. Hau' den Schrott in die Tonne

  • hm k die variable hab ich auch gefunden. nur egal was ich reinpinsel bzw ändere es tut sich nix. schrott? joa ich stimmt zu. alternativen? ohne lange in irendwelche quellcodes rumzu pinseln ^^

  • alternativen?

    Ich kenne keine, aber fertige Galerien gibts ja genug. Und selber schreiben ist ja jetzt auch nicht unbedingt ein Hexenwerk.