Beiträge von Livia

    Zitat von Anonymous

    deutschland eingeben und nach unten scrollen haha...

    da seh ich dann nicht welche stars es in der musik- film und modellbranche gibt.

    das ist aber der sinn der hausaufgabe.

    tolle hilfe, echt.

    Hahaha. Selber sich nicht an einer Hausaufgabe versuchen, anderen Leuten sagen, sie sollen sie für einen machen und dann auch noch anmaulen. :roll:

    W: I had a problem with my computer. The screen was black all the time.
    H: Do you know, why?
    W: I hope it is not too bad. But I don’t know.
    M: What did you do?
    W: I send the computer for repair.
    H: Isn`t that expensive?
    J: My Mom pays for me.
    M: I have luck with electrical things. They get never broken.
    H: But my things get broken.
    W: I have heared that many people can repair a computer themselves.
    M: My things are ok but a friend has built his computer himself. It is really crazy. I wouldn't know what is what.
    H: I have things there are all right, e. g. my mobile phone. I have no problems with it.
    W: A mobilephone is indispensable. I can call people in each situation.
    H: It is one of my most important devices, too. I need my mobilephone.
    M: That's great.
    H: I call people, but mainly I write SMS. Those are not expensive.
    M: When I get a SMS I'm totally happy.
    H: Why this?
    M: Then I know that somebody is thinking about me.
    W: That's cute.
    H: My TV is also very important for me. I like movies, but I hate news. I am not interested in this, my parents want me to watch them, otherwise I can't watch my movie.
    M: Yes! I love my TV, too. I shouldn't watch it so often, but the programme fights my borderom.
    H: The TV is also totally important for me.
    W: When the channels are empty - ? - I watch MTV or Viva - there are a lot of things I am interested in.
    M: Yes that’s right. I like music.
    H: In this “empty channel situation” I watch RTL-Shop. That’s so funny, there are a lot of things which nobody needs.

    Bis hierhin.
    Dein Englisch ist nicht wirklich gut. Das sind viele offensichtliche Fehler drin.

    Eine Bildanalyse solltest du schon noch alleine hinbekommen.
    Schreib erstmal hin, was dargestellt wird, mit welchen Farben, von wem, in welcher Zeit, weswegen.
    Dann den historischen Kontext. Damit vergleichen.
    Und zum Schluss, wie das Bild auf dich wirkt.

    N: What did you watch yesterday?
    S: A movie with Nicolas Cage.
    N : And you, Jacky?
    J: I`ve watched Sneakhead.
    S: Nancy, what did you watch?
    N: I`ve watched a film with Jean Reno.
    S: Jean Reno is the actor of my favorite movie.
    Jacky : My favorite film has a tragic ending, too.
    S: What is the film about?
    N: Which is your film?
    S:And your favorite film?
    S: I have all movies on DVD.
    J: I prefer to go to cinema.
    N : You can buy cinema tickets by telephone.
    S : You can call the radiostation, too.
    N: I don`t like radio.
    J: Whats your favorite channel ?
    S: I like Fritz but only when I drive by car.
    J : I often hear Jump. Normally I like radio but there are disadvantages, too. For example... er...
    N : Sometimes you have no reception.
    J : An advantage is that you can take it everywhere.
    N : I dont hear radio but I watch TV.
    S : Whats your favorite channel?
    N : Every Thusday at 8,15 pm I watch « Germanys next Topmodel » Do you have a favorite channel ?
    J : I watch every Friday at 3,00 pm « Laguna Beach » on MTV.
    S : On Monday I watch... On Tuesday oder Thursday I watch... Stefan Raab has introduced a book. Jacky do you read books ?
    J : The book I read last time was the biography of Kelly Trump. In the book she tells you about her childehood and her job. It was the most interesting book I've ever read:
    N: I dont often read books. I dont like them.
    S: You are wrong. I like books and I have some favorite writers.
    J : What are the names of the writers ?
    S: XXX and XXX. Bothe write lovestorys from real life. The name of the last book I have read is named XXX.
    N: The last book I read has the title SHIT. There are young persons who take drugs. But I read often magazines, too.
    S: I also often read the newspaper:

    "The article/speech „An American Quilt“ written by „Jene Jackson“ is written in the year 1988."
    Du hast zwei Mal written, das is ist auch falsch.
    Das the gehört da, glaube ich, auch nicht hin.
    Anführungsstriche müssen auch am Anfang oben sein. Beim Autor gehören keine Strich hin.

    So klingt es besser:

    The article/speech "An American Quilt" was written by Jene Jackson in year 1988.

    "J think America must been a multicultural nation."
    be oder have been

    "Blacks, Whites, Hispanics etc. must live together;"
    have to live together ist schöner

    " it must like a “salad bout”"
    it have to _be_

    "The language of the text is stimulating and excitingly, because the text is easy and comfortable to understand."
    Zwei Mal "the text". Nicht schön. Ersetze das zweite durch it.

    "It describes an Informative dream of America."
    Was soll ein Informative dream sein?

    "Unfortunately was the American Dream a Utopia of Martin Luther King, Blacks etc.! "
    Satzstellung! Unfortunately the American Dream was ...
    an Utopia - bei Vokalen wird der Artikel a in an umgewandelt
    of M.L. King, Blacks, etc. - besser klingt: of M.L: King, Blacks and others.