Beiträge von lakul


    Ich habe so eben ein Migration einer Plone Seite von Plone Instance 2.0.5 auf Plone Instance 2.5.3 durchgeführt, welche fehlerfrei klappte.
    Wenn ich die Plone Seite aber im ZMI über view aufrufe, werden nur Teile der Seite geladen und in der Mitte steht:

    Site error

    This site encountered an error trying to fulfill your request. The errors were:

    Error Type


    Error Value


    Finde leider bei google nix. Kann mir einer helfen?

    Viele Grüße und schonmal danke!!



    Ich versuche zur Zeit eine Plone instance zu migrieren. Dabei gehe ich nach folgender Anleitung von der Dokumentation vor:…e/migrate-plone

    Leider erhalte ich folgenden Fehler (Ich habe hier mal die komplette Ausgabe gepostet, vielleicht hilft das eher bei der Analyse:

    Google und Co. konnten mir leider bisher nicht helfen.

    Vielen Dank schonmal

    Result of the attempt...

    Starting the migration from version: 2.0.5
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.0.5
    Converted Plone Site to CMFDynamicViewFTI
    Updated portal selectable views
    Running manage_convertIndexes on ZCatalog instance 'portal_catalog'
    Finished migrating catalog indexes for ZCatalog instance 'portal_catalog'
    Running manage_convertIndexes on ZCatalog instance 'reference_catalog'
    Finished migrating catalog indexes for ZCatalog instance 'reference_catalog'
    Running manage_convertIndexes on ZCatalog instance 'uid_catalog'
    Finished migrating catalog indexes for ZCatalog instance 'uid_catalog'
    Deleted PathIndex 'path' from portal_catalog.
    Added ExtendedPathIndex 'path' to portal_catalog.
    Added FieldIndex 'getObjPositionInParent' to portal_catalog.
    Added 'getObjSize' metadata to portal_catalog.
    Added 'exclude_from_nav' metadata to portal_catalog.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'created'.
    Added DateIndex 'created'.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'modified'.
    Added DateIndex 'modified'.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'Date'.
    Added DateIndex 'Date'.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'start'.
    Added DateIndex 'start'.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'end'.
    Added DateIndex 'end'.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'effective'.
    Added DateIndex 'effective'.
    Deleted FieldIndex 'expires'.
    Added DateIndex 'expires'.
    Added DateRangeIndex 'effectiveRange' (effective, expires).
    Added FieldIndex 'sortable_title' to portal_catalog.
    Added 'is_folderish' metadata to portal_catalog.
    Removed 'ExpiresDate' metadata from portal_catalog.
    Added 'ExpirationDate' metadata to portal_catalog.
    Migrating CSSRegistry.
    No CSSRegistry found.
    Migrating JSRegistry.
    No JSRegistry found.
    Installed CSSRegistry and JSRegistry.
    Added TranslationService Tool
    Added 'home_page' property to portal_memberdata.
    Added 'location' property to portal_memberdata.
    Added 'description' property to portal_memberdata.
    Added 'language' property to portal_memberdata.
    Added 'ext_editor' property to portal_memberdata.
    Updated navtree_properties.
    Removed old MailHost
    Added new MailHost (SecureMailHost):
    Deleted portal_form tool.
    Deleted portal_navigation tool.
    Deleted form_properties property sheet.
    Deleted navigation_properties property sheet.
    MimetypesRegistry is out of date (installed: None/ filesystem: 1.5.0-final), reinstalled.
    PortalTransforms is out of date (installed: 1.3.3-final/ filesystem: 1.5.2-final), reinstalled.
    Archetypes is out of date (installed: None/ filesystem: 1.4.4-final), reinstalled.
    Installed ATContentTypes.
    Upgrade to: 2.1-alpha1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-alpha1
    Added 'full_screen' action to actions tool.
    Added 'full_screen' icon to actionicons tool.
    Added 'visible_ids' property to site_properties.
    Deleted 'formtooltips' property from portal_memberdata.
    Added 'exposeDCMetaTags' property to site_properties.
    Added 'sitemap' action to actions tool.
    Added 'types_not_searched' property to site_properties.
    Added 'non_default_page_types' property to site_properties.
    Disabled 'news' and 'Members' portal tabs actions.
    Added news folder.
    Set constrain types for news folder.
    Added default view for news folder.
    Added Topic for default news folder view.
    Added events folder.
    Set constrain types for events folder.
    Added default view for events folder.
    Added Topic for default events folder view.
    Added 'Delete' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Paste' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Copy' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Cut' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Contents' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added default group 'Administrators'.
    Added default group 'Reviewers'.
    Added default content types to portal_factory.
    Added 'disable_folder_sections' property to site_properties.
    Added 'selectable_views' property to portal root
    Modified existing copy action
    Modified existing cut action
    Modified existing change_state action
    Modified existing extedit action
    Added 'typesUseViewActionInListings' property to site_properties.
    Added missing plone_setup action
    Changed Plone Site icon
    Upgrade to: 2.1-alpha2, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-alpha2
    Modified existing object paste action for folderish default pages
    Added 'Contents' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Default view' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Made the 'mystuff' action point to folder listing instead of folder_contents
    Migrating CSSRegistry.
    Done migrating CSSRegistry.
    Migrating JSRegistry.
    Done migrating JSRegistry.
    Granted "Access inactive portal content" permission to Owner role
    Added published criterion to news topic.
    Added published criterion to events topic.
    Registered login.js
    Added directory view for plone_login
    Added plone_login to Plone Default
    Added plone_login to Plone Tableless
    Added 'verify_login_name' property to site_properties.
    kupu is out of date (installed: None/ filesystem: kupu 1.3.9), reinstalled.
    Set Kupu as default WYSIWYG editor.
    Added ploneTextSmall.css to CSSRegistry.
    Added ploneTextLarge.css to CSSRegistry.
    Removing plone prefix from stylesheets.
    Finished removing plone prefix from stylesheets.
    Removed navtree whitelist
    Added new entries to "types_not_searched" site_property
    Updated navtree blacklist
    Added FieldIndex 'is_default_page' to portal_catalog.
    Removed metadata 'is_folderish' from portal_catalog.
    Added FieldIndex 'is_folderish' to portal_catalog.
    Added plone_3rdParty to Plone Default.
    Added plone_3rdParty to Plone Tableless.
    Adding Portlet and Deprecated stylesheets.
    Finished adding Portlet and Deprecated stylesheets.
    Added 'enable_livesearch' property to site_properties.
    Added 'search' icon to actionicons tool.
    Set 'Login page ID' of Cookie Crumbler to 'login_form'.
    Set 'Failed authorization page ID' of Cookie Crumbler to 'insufficient_privileges'.
    Set target expresion of folderlisting action for 'Plone Site' to 'view'
    Upgrade to: 2.1-beta1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-beta1
    Updated portal selectable views
    Fixed 'Contents' action on actions tool.
    Changed category of Plone Site view action to 'object'
    Changed category of Plone Site edit action to 'object'
    Added method aliases to Plone Site FTI
    Added 'Large Plone Folder' to 'parentMetaTypesNotToQuery' in navtree_properties
    Added 'Edit this file in an external application (Requires Zope ExternalEditor installed)' action to actions tool.
    Turned off 'ext_editor' property on portal_memberdata by default.
    Updated workflow titles for state visible
    Updated workflow titles for state pending
    Updated workflow titles for state private
    Updated workflow titles for state published
    Updated workflow titles for state visible
    Updated workflow titles for state private
    Updated workflow titles for state published
    Fixed 'Accessibility' action on actions tool.
    Fixed 'Contact' action on actions tool.
    Fixed 'Site Setup' action on actions tool.
    Removed action plone_setup from portal_membership
    Set portal root edit action to use /edit method alias
    Set portal root sharing action to use /sharing method alias
    Added CMFUid tool(s) portal_uidannotation, portal_uidgenerator, portal_uidhandler
    Set media type for member.css to screen
    Set media type for RTL.css to screen
    Set media type for presentation.css to projection
    Set media type for ploneCustom.css to all
    Corrected CSS media types
    Added 'enable_wf_state_filtering' property to navtree_properties.
    Added 'wf_states_to_show' property to navtree_properties.
    Added 'navigation' icon to actionicons tool.
    Added search settings to the control panel
    Added navigation settings to the control panel
    Registered formsubmithelpers.js
    Added 'visible_ids' property to portal_memberdata.
    Added 'visible_ids' property to portal_memberdata.
    Added CMF types to 'types_not_searched' property.
    Removed 'non_default_page_types' property to site_properties.
    Added 'default_page_types' property to site_properties.
    Changed sendto action permission to Allow Sendto
    Upgrade to: 2.1-beta2, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-beta2
    Upgrade to: 2.1-rc1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-rc1
    Added 'is_folderish' metadata to portal_catalog.
    Enabled syndication on /uncertainty/news/news_topic
    Enabled syndication on /uncertainty/events/events_topic
    Disabled 'syndication' object action.
    Changed RSS action title
    Upgrade to: 2.1-rc2, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-rc2
    Added Topic for previous events.
    Added criterion to limit to current events.
    Added 'Cut' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Paste' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Delete' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added 'Copy' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added new view templates to Folder FTI.
    Added new view templates to Large Plone Folder FTI.
    Added new view templates to Topic FTI.
    Added new view templates to Plone Site FTI.
    Moved news topic to portal root
    Deleted empty news folder
    Moved events topic to portal root
    Deleted empty events folder
    Added sort on effective to news topic.
    Upgrade to: 2.1-rc3, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1-rc3
    Fixed preferences action title
    Changed News Topic default view to folder_summary_view.
    Object buttons reordered as cut, copy, paste, delete
    Granted "View Groups" to all Members
    Reorder stylesheets
    Upgrade to: 2.1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1
    Upgrade to: 2.1.1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.1
    Removed plone_3rdParty\CMFTopic layer from all skins.
    Added 'Rename' contentmenu action to actions tool.
    Added se-highlight.js to portal_javascipt
    Removing workflow from Discussion Item
    Added must_change_password property to member data
    Upgrade to: 2.1.2-rc1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.2-rc1
    Upgrade to: 2.1.2-rc2, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.2-rc2
    Upgrade to: 2.1.2, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.2
    Removed vcXMLRPC.js
    Added icons for copy, cut, paste and delete
    Upgrade to: 2.1.3-rc1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.3-rc1
    Upgrade to: 2.1.3, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.3
    Upgrade to: 2.1.4-rc1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.4-rc1
    Upgrade to: 2.1.4, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.1.4
    Installed CMFPlacefulWorkflow.
    Upgrade to: 2.5-alpha1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.5-alpha1
    Installed PasswordResetTool.
    Installed PlonePAS.
    Added directory view for plone_deprecated
    Added plone_deprecated to Plone Default
    Added plone_deprecated to Plone Tableless
    Upgrade to: 2.5-alpha2, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.5-alpha2
    Added dragdropreorder.js to portal_javascipt
    Added KeywordIndex 'getEventType' to portal_catalog.
    Modified existing home/index_html action
    Upgrade to: 2.5-beta1, completed
    Attempting to upgrade from: 2.5-beta1
    Upgrade aborted
    Error type: exceptions.AttributeError
    Error value: listActions
    File "C:\Programme\Plone 2\Data\Products\CMFPlone\", line 308, in upgrade newv, msgs = self._upgrade(newv)
    File "C:\Programme\Plone 2\Data\Products\CMFPlone\", line 414, in _upgrade res = function(self.aq_parent)
    File "C:\Programme\Plone 2\Data\Products\CMFPlone\migrations\v2_5\", line 68, in beta1_beta2 simplifyActions(portal, out)
    File "C:\Programme\Plone 2\Data\Products\CMFPlone\migrations\v2_5\", line 210, in simplifyActions actions = tool.listActions()
    End of upgrade path, migration has finished
    The upgrade path did NOT reach current version
    Migration has failed

    So, ich habe es nochmal neu formuliert:

    ich habe eine Plone Import Anleitung unter…ary/003103.html gefunde.
    Leider bin ich so ein Anfänger und komme mit der Anleitung nicht so ganz klar. Ich habe eine bestehende Plone Site übernommen, die unter Plone 2.1.4 lief und diese soll ich jetzt auf Plone 2.5.4 migrieren bzw. importieren.

    Das Plone 2.5.4 habe ich mit dem Unified Installer installiert, im ZMI eine neue Plone Instance erstellt und es liegt auf einem Ubuntu Server unter /opt/Plone-2.5.4.

    Der Inhalt dieses Verzeichnisses sieht so aus:


    In dem Ordner zeocluster liegen die Verzeichnisse:


    Das ist so die Standardinstallation, also da habe ich noch nichts gemacht.
    Die alte Plone Site habe ich in folgender Form erhalten (ein Ordner mit folgendem Inhalt):


    In dem var Ordner befinden sich die Data.fs und die *.zexp

    Wie muss ich jetzt diese Anleitung anwenden? Ich hoffe sehr, Sie können mir nun helfen.
    Genauer gesagt, wo muss ich was hinkopieren.



    Hi, ok, ich habe mich unklar ausgedrückt:

    Ich habe Plone 2.5.4 mit dem Unified Installer unter /opt/Plone-2.5.4 installiert. Das Verzeichnis sieht so aus:


    Von einem anderen Server habe ich meine alte Plone Seite gesichert, sie lief unter Plone 2.1.4 und das Verzeichnis der Plone Site sieht so aus:


    Ich habe auch bereits mit "Plone Site" eine neue Instance angelegt.
    Wo muss ich also diesen Ordner in die neue Ploneinstallation hinkopieren und wie muss ich Ihn ins Plone einbinden. Ich dachte erst unter zeocluster welcher so aussieht:


    aber da passiert gar nichts.
    Sorry, ich weiß ich stelle mich sicher doof an, aber irgendwie kriege ich den Bogen nicht. Danke für deine Hilfe.




    ok, danke für den Hinweis, genau das habe ich gesucht. Aber ich habe noch eine Frage:

    Auf der Seite "Gerneral produre" steht:


    1. Back up your entire Plone directory
    2. Shut down your Plone server instance
    3. Remove the Product directories you want to replace (ie. the ones in the package you downloaded)

    Also, wenn ich das richtig verstehe soll ich von meiner Plone Instance welche ich gerne in mein neues Plone einspielen will den Ordner Products löschen und durch einen neuen ersetzen. Aber nur weil ich das machen und dann meine Plone instance in den Ordner zeocluster kopiere und Plone dann starte ist doch noch lange nicht meine Instance dann in Plone zu sehen.

    Irgendwie sehe ich den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.

    Viele Grüße



    Ich bin totaler Neuling auf dem Gebiet Plone. Ich habe aber eine bestehende Seite übernommen, die bisher auf Plone 2.1.4 lief.
    Ich habe jetzt einen Ubuntu Server auf dem Plone 2.5.4 läuft. Hab es nach Anleitung mit dem Unified Installer installiert und es läuft auch alles. Anschließend habe ich eine Instance über die Produkte Drop Downliste im Manager eingerichtet, also ich habe auf "Plone Site" geklickt.
    Diese Seite läuft auch wunderbar.

    So, nun meine Fragen:

    1. In welchem Ordner hat er die Instance angelegt, welche ich wie oben beschrieben erstellt habe?
    2. Ich habe gehört ich brauche meine alte Instance nur in meine neue Instance kopieren und dann noch die DB mirgrieren, stimmt das? Oder wie bekomme ich meine Seite wieder zum Laufen?

    Ich hoffe das sind genug Infos, ansonsten fragt bitte.

    Viele Dank schonmal im Voraus.



    Ich habe zwei Fragen:

    Ich habe auf der Linken Seite mein Navigations Portlet. Wenn man mit der Maus über über einen der Navigationslinks geht färbt sich ja ein rechteckiger Bereich über dem Link ein.

    Wie/Wo kann ich aber erreichen, dass sich die Schriftfarbe des Links ändert?

    Mein Problem ist das, dass sich der rechteckige Bereich sehr dunkel einfärbt, was ich auch so möchte, aber ich möchte dass die Schrift sich weiß einfärbt, wenn ich drüber gehe. Mein Problem seht ihr auf dieser Seite hier. Ich möchte eigentlich dass es so ist wie bei dem Home Button, der färbt sich nämlich weiß ein.

    Meine zweite Frage ist. Wenn man eingeloggt ist und etwas editieren will, befinden sich ja unten die Buttons save und cancel. Wo kann ich die Schriftfarbe des Buttons cancel ändern?

    Ich hoffe mir kann einer helfen.

    Viele Grüße
